
Complementary Flavonoid Prenylations by Fungal Indole Prenyltransferases


Flavonoids are found mainly in plants and exhibit diverse biological and pharmacological activities, which can often be enhanced by prenylations. In plants, such reactions are catalyzed by membrane-bound prenyltransferases. In this study, the prenylation of nine flavonoids from different classes by a soluble fungal prenyltransferase (AnaPT) involved in the biosynthesis of the prenylated indole alkaloid acetylaszonalenin is demonstrated. The behavior of AnaPT toward flavonoids regarding substrate acceptance and prenylation positions clearly differs from that of the indole prenyltransferase 7-DMATS. The two enzymes are therefore complementary in flavonoid prenylations.


Kang Zhou, Xia Yu, Xiulan Xie, and Shu-Ming Li


Journal of Natural Products

Year, Volume, Page

2015, 78, 2229



Tag Element Regiochemistry Product Substrate Cofactor Enzyme
PTDBREC00304 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00305 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00306 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00307 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00308 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00309 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00312 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00313 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00314 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00315 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00316 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00317 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00318 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00319 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00320 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00321 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00322 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00323 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00324 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00325 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00326 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00327 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00328 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00329 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00330 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00331 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00332 C Regular AnaPT
PTDBREC00333 C Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00310 O Regular 7-DMATS
PTDBREC00311 O Regular AnaPT