
Breaking the regioselectivity of indole prenyltransferases: identification of regular C3-prenylated hexahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indoles as side products of the regular C2-prenyltransferase FtmPT1


The prenyltransferase FtmPT1 from Aspergillus fumigatus is involved in the biosynthesis of fumitremorgin-type alkaloids and catalysed the regular C2-prenylation of brevianamide F (cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro). It has been shown that FtmPT1 also accepted a number of other tryptophan-containing cyclic dipeptides and prenylated them, in the presence of dimethylallyl diphosphate, at C-2 of the indole nucleus. Detailed analysis of the incubation mixtures of FtmPT1 with these cyclic dipeptides revealed the presence of additional product peaks in the HPLC chromatograms. Seven regularly C3-prenylated hexahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indoles were isolated and identified by HR-ESI-MS and NMR analyses including HMBC, HMQC and NOESY experiments. Further experiments proved that the C2- and C3-prenylated products are both independent enzyme products. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the enzymatic formation of regularly C3-prenylated indolines. A reaction mechanism for both C2- and C3-prenylated derivatives was proposed...


Beate Wollinsky, Lena Ludwig, Xiulan Xieb, Shu-Ming Li


Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

Year, Volume, Page

2012, 10, 9262



Tag Element Regiochemistry Product Substrate Cofactor Enzyme
PTDBREC00001 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00002 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00003 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00004 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00005 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00006 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00007 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00008 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00009 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00010 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00011 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00012 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00013 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00014 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00015 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00016 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00017 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00018 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00019 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00020 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00021 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00022 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00023 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00024 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00025 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00026 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00027 C Regular FtmPT1
PTDBREC00028 C Regular FtmPT1